Established in 2020, Barrio Bandits LLC is a Limited Liability company formed under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law of the State of New York. The Barrio Bandits LLC is managed and owned by CEO Andre’ Maurice Graham Jr. which existence has been filed with the Articles of Organization and the Department Of State.
Here at the Barrio Bandits LLC, we maintain a network of music industry contacts, including journalists and editors of music magazines, and music websites. We specialize in promoting clients work for the best timing, releasing a new single or album. We follow up with initial publicity activities by phone, email or hold face-to-face meetings.
Barrio Bandits LLC assists with mentoring young juveniles who have been recently released from detention centers, by showing them there is hope with planning the right career choices in life. The CEO of Barrio Bandits LLC is a four time felon who has worked closely with supporting agencies, some private and has established a relationship which includes payroll.
Barrio Bandits LLC provides guidance in relation to Food and Nutrition tips to ensure healthy living is achieved for all. This will in turn prevent health problems which may arise in the future because of bad eating habits. We work very closely with a number of certified Nutritionist who assist with maintaining a good nutritional status.